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AmeriClean Dry Cleaning

Benefits of franchise,with no franchise cost. One of highest success rates of small biz-96.2% according D & B.

Americlean Dry Cleaning

Four business packages to choose from...
and no franchise fees!

Americlean Dry Cleaning

Americlean provides you with the benefits of a franchise, but without the franchise costs. Americlean's policy of requiring no franchise or royalty fees gives you total control of your turnkey operation.

Americlean has been in business for 50 years building only dry cleaning stores. We have been involved in the construction of over 6,000 stores all across the United States and Puerto Rico.

We provide all the equipment and expertise you need to establish your dry cleaning business. Our expert staff assists in every aspect including site location, lease negotiation, equipment, store setup, financing, training, marketing and 24/7 support.

Financial Benefits:

Americlean Dry Cleaning
  • Low start-up costs
  • Low investment
  • Low financing rates
  • Low down payments
  • Low rent locations
  • Secured investment opportunity

Store Benefits:

  • Not labor intensive
  • All modern equipment
  • Custom decorator-designed stores
  • Completely automated drycleaning machines
  • Convenience of turnkey operation
  • Fully equipped dry cleaning plant onsite (excludes drop-off store)
  • Meets EPA and OSHA standards
  • Family oriented business hours
  • Absentee ownership viable - current position can be maintained if an operating manager is appointed

Americlean offers four special plans to match the goals of our clients:

Business Package A - This complete "Plant and Store" package includes all of the equipment and fixtures necessary to operate as a full function stand-alone store. It is designed to accommodate the business of a single location and does not support drop stores.
Total investment: $240,900. Down payment: 20% (if qualified). Working capital: $25,000 (if necessary).

Americlean Dry Cleaning

Business Package B - This "Commercial Plant and Store" package includes all of the equipment and fixtures necessary to operate as a full function stand-alone store and is designed with the capacity to accommodate up to two additional drop stores.
Total investment: $300,900. Down payment: 20% (if qualified). Working capital: $25,000 (if necessary).

Business Package C - This package is our entry level package designed as a turnkey facility for the small business owner who wants us to provide the plant to do the cleaning. This package is also perfect as a drop-off location for the operator with a Commercial Plant Store.

Total investment: $59,900. Down payment: 20% (if qualified). Working capital: $5,000 (if necessary).

Metropolitan Package - This package includes a Commercial Plant with integral Dry Cleaning Store and two drop-off stores. The Commercial Plant contains all of the equipment and fixtures necessary to service its own store and the two included drop-off stores. The plant has the capability to be easily expanded to accommodate additional commercial business.

Total investment: $520,900. Down payment: 20% (if qualified). Working capital: $25,000 (if necessary).

Don't miss out on this great opportunity!

The dry cleaning industry has one of the highest success rates of all small businesses (96.2% according to Dun and Bradstreet). One of the secrets of success is the support that our team offers you and the unique methods of operation that we provide. You receive the benefits of a franchise, but without the high franchise fees or royalties that diminish profits during every year of operation.

Americlean was built on the premise that hard working business people should be able to maximize their income and not have to share it.

We realize that our customers have many options to choose from, but there are good reasons why over 6,000 dry cleaners have chosen the Americlean income opportunity!

The key distinction of Americlean is that we offer you the benefits and features of a franchise without the franchise fees, royalty payments, or required branded product purchase, (Tickets,Hangers,Bags).

COMPARE: Americlean offers you all the benefits, but without all the cost.


Total Investment






Franchise Fee






Royalty Fee


4% ongoing

7% ongoing

varies ongoing

$5.9K/yr. ongoing

Agreement Term


20yrs. Renewable

10yrs. renewable

15yrs renewable

10yrs. Renewable

Renewal Fee






Products and names mentioned above are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

  • Year Established: 1950
  • Total Units Operating: 6000+
  • Cash Investment Required: $35,000 - $89,000
  • Total Investment Required: $190,000 - $450,000
  • Minimum Net Worth Required: $150,000
  • Franchise Fee: $0
  • Financial Assistance Offered: SBA Approved
  • Training and Support: Comprehensive

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Business Franchises, Small Business Franchise Opportunities
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